Member Profiles

Cassidy Wagner, Acentria Insurance


Cassidy Wagner 


Employee Benefits Consultant 


Acentria Insurance 


Vero Beach, FL 

Tell us your Tallahassee Story, what brought you to Tallahassee?  

A job opportunity with Acentria brought me to Tallahassee post-graduation. 

Are you involved in any organizations other than Access? 

I am a recent SHRM and Coastal Conservation Association (CCA) member. 

What is your favorite thing about Tallahassee? 

All of the outdoor spaces!
-Boating at St. Marks
-Cascades/Lake Ella/Lafayette
-Pickleball courts at Winthrop Park 

What business or event would you like to see come to Tallahassee? 

I am looking the most forward to the opening of the Pickle Pad. 

What would you say to someone considering moving to Tallahassee? 

Tallahassee has great opportunities while maintaining a small town feel. With its fantastic parks, restaurants, and events, there is never a dull moment in Tallahassee. There are so many fun ways to get involved in the community! 

What is your favorite thing about your career? 

Having the opportunity to bring value to people and their businesses by promoting employee health and well-being. 

Local Tally Favorites 

Place to eat? 

Fresh Roots & El Jalisco 

Nature/ Outdoor Space? 

Lafayette Heritage Trail 

Happy Hour? 

Charlie Park Rooftop 

Place to people watch? 

Cascades Park

Date night?  

The Huntsman 

Snap the perfect Instagram pic? 

Lake Ella 

Way to give back to the community? 

Currently in the application process for Big Brothers Big Sisters, but have not yet started. 

Annual event or festival? 

Concerts at Cascades Park 

How do you spend your free time? 

Day trips to the beach/coast and playing pickleball 

What is your bucket list vacation or travel location? 

Denali National Park, Alaska 

What is your guilty pleasure movie? 

The Holiday 

What is your favorite app or social media? 

LTK & Tik Tok 

What is a book that changed your life? 

The Nightingale -Kristin Hannah 

Pineapple on pizza?  

Not a fan 

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Member Profiles

Nolen Winsett, Synchros


Nolen Winslett


District Sales Manager


Synchros, formerly North Florida Payroll Services


Tallahassee, FL

Tell us your Tallahassee story, what brought you?

I was born and raised in Tallahassee. I graduated from Lawton Chiles High School. I wasn’t sure where I wanted to attend college, I just knew I didn’t want to go south to UF or Miami. I decided on going to Florida State University where I graduated with a Bachelor’s of Science Degree in Finance. Right out of college I was offered a job at North Florida Payroll, which is now Synchros.

Are you involved in any organizations other than Access?

BNI (Tallahassee Biznet)
Building Industry Association of the Big Bend
Co-Chair of Leads Group 3
Tallahassee Quarterback Club

What is your favorite thing about Tallahassee?

From going to FSU football games, to going out to the Miccosukee Greenway, Tallahassee is great in providing diverse activities to do.

What business or event would you like to see come to Tallahassee?

I would love an amusement park/water park to come here. If Wild Adventures can survive in Valdosta, who says it can’t in Tallahassee

What would you say to someone considering moving to Tallahassee?

They say the people make the place, and I’d have to agree. For whatever reason you come to Tallahassee, know it was for the right reason. Prepare to be surrounded by people who love their city, and a city that will provide you with what you need.

What is your favorite thing about your career?

I work a majority of the time in the small business community. One of my favorite things is being able to meet all different types of businesses, learning their stories and the reasons behind why they do what they do.

What are your local Tallahassee favorites?

-Place to eat: Maria Maria
-Nature/ Outdoor space: Cherokee Sink
-Happy Hour: Oyster City
-Place to people watch: Collegetown
-Date Night: Mom & Dad’s Italian Restaurant
-Snap the perfect insta pic: FSU Football Tailgate
-Way to give back: Access Community Service Committee
-Annual event or festival: FSU Home Opener

The Inside Scoop on Nolen:

-How he spends free time: Playing recreational sports, working out, and spending time with friends and family
-Bucket list vacation: Hawaii
-Early riser or night owl: Early riser
-Current binge-worthy show: Ozark
-Favorite app or social: Clash of Clans

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Member Profiles

Juming Delmas, Juming Delmas Studios


Juming Delmas


Business Owner


Juming Delmas Studios


Fort Pierce, FL

Tell us your Tallahassee Story, what brought you to Tallahassee?

I use to live in Connecticut and worked in New York City as an actor for over 5 years and came back down to Tallahassee, FL to finish school and have been growing my business here since then.

Are you involved in any organizations other than Access?

Yes I am also involved with Domi Station, Institute for Nonprofit Innovation and Excellence (INIE), and THRIVE.

What is your favorite thing about Tallahassee?

The diversity here is unmatched.

What business or event would you like to see come to Tallahassee?

More film festivals for inspiring filmmakers

What would you say to someone considering moving to Tallahassee?

Great place to raise a family, build connections for small businesses, and education is always available here.

What is your favorite thing about your career?

The different stories I get to share using visual story telling.

What Are Your Local Tallahassee Favorites?

-Place to eat? Masa
-Nature/ Outdoor Space?Nature
-Happy Hour? Harry ‘s
-Place to people watch? Cascade Park
-Date night? Charlies Park
-Way to give back to the community? engaging in specific communities like Autism, LGTBQ, etc.

The Inside Scoop On Juming Delmas:

-How he spends free time: Reading and hanging with family.
-Bucket list vacation or travel location: Destin, Florida
– “Hidden” skills or talent: I can sing.
-Theme song to your life: “The Glow” by: Willie Hutch
-Early riser or a night owl: I am a night Owl
-Current binge-worthy show? My Wife and Kids
-Favorite app or social media? Instagram
-A book that changed your life? The E-Myth
-Pineapple on pizza: Ill pass.
-Your inspiration: My children. They inspire me to want to provide a better life for them.

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Member Profiles

Lindsay Miller, Florida State University College of Medicine


Alumni Relations & Events Manager


Florida State University College of Medicine


Tallahassee, FL

What brought you to Tallahassee?

I am a Tallahassee native who remained in the area to attend college at Florida State University, and ultimately, never left. :)

What would you say to someone considering moving to Tallahassee?

Tallahassee is a great place to settle down and raise a family. Despite containing Florida’s Capitol and a major university, it’s a small town at heart with a wonderful community of individuals eager and willing to serve others and lend a helping hand.

What business or event would you like to see come to Tallahassee?

The Cheesecake Factory

What is your favorite thing about Tallahassee?

Florida State football

What is your favorite thing about your career?

The opportunity to work in higher education and give back to my alma mater.

What are your local Tallahassee favorite places?

Place to eat: Masa
Nature or outdoor space: Miccosukee Greenway
Perfect Instagram Pic: The Reflection Pool at Maclay Gardens
-Way to give back to the community: Donating to different Goodwill locations in the area at the start of every new year.
-Annual event of Festival: Tallahassee Winter Festival

The Inside Scoop on Lindsay Miller:

-Theme song to your life: Don’t Stop Believin’
-Dream vacation or travel destination: Australia
-Early riser or night owl: Night owl
-Book that changed your life: You Are A Badass by Jen Sincero
-Something people are surprised to learn about you? I’ve written and published more than a dozen novels.

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Loud Budgeting: How Millennials and Gen-Z are Redefining Spending Habits Among Rising Costs

In the face of escalating living costs and the, what seems to be becoming elusive, dream of homeownership, millennials and younger generations are embracing a new trend known as “loud budgeting.” Loud budgeting is the idea that we be more transparent, especially within with our social circles when it comes to financial limitations, whether it’s saying no to eating out or after work drinks, or not keeping up with the latest shopping trends like the Stanley cup. This phenomenon arises from the constant refrain from many financial experts that if they ever hope to own a home, they must tighten their financial belts, cut back on perceived luxuries, and budget more diligently.

The driving force behind this trend is a collective realization among millennials that consumer overspending, often on what some might consider non-essential items, is hindering their ability to save for significant life goals like homeownership. The advice to “budget better” has given birth to a movement where individuals become vocal and transparent about their financial decisions. This trend that originated on TikTok as a humorous response to how to live a more budget friendly has sparked a broader conversation about the need for financial responsibility.

While not everyone may actively participate in the “trend” of decreased spending, there are indicators suggesting a potential downturn in consumer spending habits throughout 2024. As the cost of necessities continues to rise, millennials and Gen Z are reassessing their priorities and redirecting their funds towards savings rather than discretionary spending.

In light of these shifting consumer behaviors, it begs the question of whether corporations can sustain the booming trends that have propelled their profits, such as the ever so popular Stanley Cup. As the younger demographic, a significant market force, becomes more financially conscious, corporations may need to adapt their strategies. The days of unquestioned brand loyalty and excessive spending on non-essential products could be numbered.

The current economic landscape is prompting a reevaluation of what constitutes a necessity, with consumers prioritizing essentials over extravagant purchases. The loud budgeting trend reflects a desire for financial stability and responsible spending, challenging corporations to align their offerings with evolving consumer values.

As the year unfolds, the business landscape may witness a recalibration, with corporations needing to strategize to capture the attention and loyalty of a more financially savvy demographic. The success of brands may increasingly hinge on their ability to resonate with a generation that is redefining its priorities in response to economic challenges and a desire for homeownership and to have the ability to live unhindered by financial debt and burdens.

Releasing any balloons outdoors could soon be illegal in Florida

A bill introduced in Florida aims to ban the release of any lighter-than-air balloons due to environmental concerns. The legislation, SB 602, recently passed its first committee with unanimous support. If enacted into law by July 1, intentional balloon releases would be considered littering, carrying a $150 fine. Violations involving balloons over 15 pounds could incur fines up to $1,000. State Sen. Jason Brodeur emphasized the environmental impact, highlighting how balloons, if not caught on obstacles, end up in oceans, posing threats to marine wildlife. The bill also eliminates the provision allowing biodegradable balloons, as none meet state requirements. The proposed law exempts weather, research, and recovered hot air balloons.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s article “What Goes Up, Must Come Down” underscores the peril balloons pose in the ocean, where they are often mistaken for food by marine wildlife. Once ingested, balloons can lead to suffocation, starvation, internal injury, and death. The bill seeks to address these concerns while maintaining allowances for certain balloon types. The identical House bill is labeled HB 321, and the Senate bill is set to proceed to the Community Affairs committee.

Navigating the Future: Tech Trends Set to Dominate in 2024

As we stride into a new year, technology continues to evolve at an unprecedented pace, reshaping the way we live, work, and connect. The year 2024 promises to be a pivotal moment in the tech landscape, introducing innovative trends that will revolutionize industries and redefine our digital experiences. Let’s explore the key tech trends expected to dominate in 2024.

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) 2.0:

Artificial Intelligence is not a new concept, but 2024 marks a significant shift toward AI 2.0 – an era characterized by advanced machine learning models, improved natural language processing, and the integration of AI into virtually every aspect of our lives. From personalized virtual assistants to AI-driven healthcare diagnostics, the applications are limitless, promising increased efficiency, automation, and smarter decision-making.

  • Extended Reality (XR) Takes Center Stage:

Extended Reality, encompassing Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and Mixed Reality (MR), is poised to become an integral part of our daily lives. In 2024, XR will extend beyond gaming and entertainment, influencing education, healthcare, and remote collaboration. Expect immersive learning experiences, virtual medical consultations, and enhanced remote work environments that bridge the physical and digital realms.

  • Blockchain Beyond Cryptocurrency:

While blockchain technology gained prominence through cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, its potential goes far beyond digital currency. In 2024, we anticipate a broader adoption of blockchain in various industries, such as supply chain management, healthcare, and finance. The decentralized and secure nature of blockchain will revolutionize data management, ensuring transparency, traceability, and enhanced security.

  • Sustainable Tech Solutions:

As the global focus on sustainability intensifies, technology is playing a crucial role in developing eco-friendly solutions. In 2024, we’ll witness a surge in sustainable tech innovations, from renewable energy advancements to green data centers. Tech companies will prioritize environmental responsibility, leveraging technology to address climate challenges and reduce their carbon footprint.

The tech landscape of 2024 is poised to be dynamic, transformative, and full of opportunities. As we embrace these emerging trends, it’s essential for businesses and individuals alike to stay adaptable and forward-thinking. These trend holds the potential to reshape industries and push the boundaries of what technology can achieve. Buckle up for a thrilling ride into the future, where innovation knows no bounds.

Conquering the Afternoon Slump: What It Is and How to Overcome

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it’s not uncommon to find ourselves grappling with the notorious afternoon slump. That post-lunch period between 2:00 PM and 4:00 PM often brings a wave of fatigue and diminished focus, challenging our productivity. A new Slack Workforce Index, based on survey responses from over 10,000 Desk workers from around the globe, reveals that 71% of desk workers agree that late afternoon is the worst time of day for work to get done. This slump doesn’t mean you’re lazy or not a hard worker, but it is influenced by many factors like the bodies natural circadian rhythm or changes in blood sugar levels.

So How Can You Defeat the Afternoon Slump?

Consider incorporating some of these strategies into your daily routine:

  1. Hydrate: Dehydration can contribute to feelings of fatigue. Ensure you stay well-hydrated throughout the day by drinking water regularly.
  2. Move Around: Physical activity, even if it’s a short walk, can help combat feelings of lethargy and improve circulation, boosting energy levels. Incorporate light stretching exercises to alleviate muscle tension and increase blood flow, promoting a sense of vitality.
  3. Mindful Breathing: Take a few minutes for deep, mindful breathing exercises. This can help increase oxygen flow to the brain and promote alertness.
  4. Prioritize Tasks: While we may have the tendency to want to procrastinate on our more demanding tasks, tackling them earlier in the day when your energy levels are naturally higher, will help foster your productivity and leave the less mentally taxing tasks for the afternoon.
  5. Natural Light Exposure: Spend some time in natural light. Sunlight can help regulate your circadian rhythm and boost alertness.


By incorporating these practical tips into your daily routine, you’ll be on your way to sustaining energy levels, boosting productivity, and making the most of every moment, even during the afternoon lull. Here’s to breaking free from the slump and embracing a more energized and fulfilling day!

Member Profiles

Audrey McNair, Trydent Consulting


Program Management Consultant


Trydent Consulting


Pittsburgh, PA

What brought you to Tallahassee?

I initially came to Tallahassee as a transfer student to attend FAMU in Fall of 2019. When Covid hit in 2020, I went back home for 9 months and took a semester off of school and moved back for what I didn’t know would be permanently in 2021. After moving back to Tallahassee, I graduated with my degree in Political Science from FAMU in 2022 and began working full time at Trydent as the Program Management Consultant.


What would you say to someone considering moving to Tallahassee?

I would say to put yourself out there, network, and look for new experiences. It is very easy to build and maintain your own community here and find things that you enjoy.

What business or event would you like to see come to Tallahassee?

I’d love to see a permanent food truck park or more food festivals surrounding different cultures.

What is your favorite thing about Tallahassee?

My favorite thing about Tallahassee is the green spaces and nature around and throughout the city.

What is your favorite thing about your career?

I love the women at Trydent that I get to work with every day and the lives that I’m able to impact through my work.

What are your local Tallahassee favorite places?

Place to eat: Savour
Happy Hour: Bird’s Oyster Shack
Nature or outdoor space: Lafayette Heritage Walking Trails or FSU Reservation
Perfect Instagram Pic: The Edison overlooking Cascades Park
-Way to give back to the community: Volunteering at the Kearney Center
-Annual event of Festival: FAMU Homecoming

The Inside Scoop on Audrey McNair:

-Guilty Pleasure Movie: Pride & Prejudice (2005)
-Theme song to your life: COZY- Beyonce
-Current binge-worthy show: The Morning Show
-Early riser or night owl: Night owl
-Favorite Social Media or App: Instagram
-Pineapple on pizza: YES!
-Who inspires you: My Best Friend
-Book that changed your life: The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F***

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Member Profiles

Kolhman Minter, Morgan Stanley


Financial Advisor


Morgan Stanley


Tallahassee, FL

What brought you to Tallahassee?

I was born here, and I always enjoyed being a part of this community, so I decided to stay in Tallahassee and go to FSU for college. Afterword’s I was lucky enough to be able to get a great job here as well.


What is your favorite thing about Tallahassee?

It has to be the sense of community that comes with living here. People who know this city always refer to it as a “little-big-town” because while you might not know everyone here, everyone has mutual friends in this city, and that allows us to make connections all over town.

What is your dream for Tallahassee?

I would love to see Tallahassee continue to grow in all areas of the economy, but on top of that, I would really love to see our city get a Top Golf driving range.

What would you say to someone considering a move to Tallahassee?

I would tell them that it is always a great time to move here. We are growing like crazy, the people here are incredibly welcoming and fun, and there are lots of opportunities for personal and career growth.

What are you Tallahassee favorites?

– Place to eat: Food Glorious Food
– Place to be outside: Cascades Park
– Place to hang out: Thew Brass Tap
– Place to capture the perfect Instagram pic: Doak Campbell Stadium
– Place to people watch: Tin Lizzies out door seating on a Friday afternoon
– Way to give back: Coaching Youth Lacrosse
– Event: Word of South Tallahassee

How do you spend your free time?

I spend a lot of time having fun outside around Tallahassee doing activities like golfing at Summerbrooke, pickle ball at Winthrop Park, or mountain biking out at the Greenway.

Something most people don’t know about you?

I started an oyster farm/distribution company with my brother back in 2018 called Stanish and Minter Oyster Co. I will still work out there occasionally on weekends, but he manages and operates the whole thing now. We have had our oysters served at restaurants all over Tallahassee and the Southeast.


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