Member Benefits

If you would like to expand your professional and social network while making a positive impact in our community, then Access Tallahassee is the program for you!  An Access membership allows you to engage in the best development, social, and philanthropic programming in Tallahassee.

The goal of Access Tallahassee is to connect and engage emerging young professionals and entrepreneurs in innovative and creative ways to help them build business relationships and become part of our community. This is an event based organization that focuses on development, building relationships among like-minded individuals, networking and giving our members a way to link their personal passions with professional ambitions.

Some of the benefits you will receive as a member of Access Tallahassee include:

  • Access Events:  Intensive networking & professional development programs
    Coffee & Connections • Semi-Annual After Hours Mixers • YP Summit 
  • Access Initiatives:  Community focused programs & personal development
    Access Mentorship Program • Access to Reading • Future 5 Awards 
  • Access Online:  Interactive website with professional & personal growth tools
    Member Calendar • Community Information • Access Blog

For full information on the benefits of joining Access Tallahassee, please contact Beth Pupke at (850) 521-3107.


Who is considered a “Young Professional”?

Do I have to be a member of Access Tallahassee to attend events?

How much is an Access Tallahassee membership?

How can I keep up with what events are going on?

How can I sponsor an Access Tallahassee event?