Juming Delmas, Juming Delmas Studios


Juming Delmas


Business Owner


Juming Delmas Studios


Fort Pierce, FL

Tell us your Tallahassee Story, what brought you to Tallahassee?

I use to live in Connecticut and worked in New York City as an actor for over 5 years and came back down to Tallahassee, FL to finish school and have been growing my business here since then.

Are you involved in any organizations other than Access?

Yes I am also involved with Domi Station, Institute for Nonprofit Innovation and Excellence (INIE), and THRIVE.

What is your favorite thing about Tallahassee?

The diversity here is unmatched.

What business or event would you like to see come to Tallahassee?

More film festivals for inspiring filmmakers

What would you say to someone considering moving to Tallahassee?

Great place to raise a family, build connections for small businesses, and education is always available here.

What is your favorite thing about your career?

The different stories I get to share using visual story telling.

What Are Your Local Tallahassee Favorites?

-Place to eat? Masa
-Nature/ Outdoor Space?Nature
-Happy Hour? Harry ‘s
-Place to people watch? Cascade Park
-Date night? Charlies Park
-Way to give back to the community? engaging in specific communities like Autism, LGTBQ, etc.

The Inside Scoop On Juming Delmas:

-How he spends free time: Reading and hanging with family.
-Bucket list vacation or travel location: Destin, Florida
– “Hidden” skills or talent: I can sing.
-Theme song to your life: “The Glow” by: Willie Hutch
-Early riser or a night owl: I am a night Owl
-Current binge-worthy show? My Wife and Kids
-Favorite app or social media? Instagram
-A book that changed your life? The E-Myth
-Pineapple on pizza: Ill pass.
-Your inspiration: My children. They inspire me to want to provide a better life for them.