Millennial to Millennial….

We know you’re probably ignoring the hundreds of emails you’ve received in the last 72 hours from every company you’ve ever whispered your email address to and we promise, this is not another article telling you to wash your hands (although we do highly encourage it). This is our plea, millennial to millennial to take these precautions seriously. Millennials now more than ever, have the power to change the world, flatten the curve and stop the spread of this virus that has turned everyone’s world upside down. The scary part is, this is just the beginning.

Now is the time to listen – STAY HOME. We can potentially squash this by the end of summer vacation and bounce back just in time for football season. Use this time to spruce up your resumes, clear out old emails, think through that side hustle you’ve been noodling, watch a Master Class, deep clean your bathroom. To quote the great Betty Draper, “Only boring people are bored.” (and if you haven’t watched Mad Men, that’s a great place to start).

Let’s not give everyone another reason to stereotype millennials and throw “coronavirus parties” on a Tuesday afternoon. Stay home, pick out one of the 500 different songs to sing while washing your hands, share a few memes and let’s get this thing under control because let’s be honest working from home is going to get old, real quick.

Cheers! We’ll see you soon!

The Millennial Guide to Working Remotely

It can be difficult to navigate working from home during a global pandemic, but now is the time to focus on the things that you can control. While others view mandatory work from home life as a vacation of sorts, now is the time to get back to the basics and use this time for personal and professional development.

Listen to a business podcast or audio book while you clear out old emails that have been sitting in your inbox. Learn something new by watching a webinar led by an expert in your field. Play around with a new program, research what others in your industry are doing across the country, be inspired by things you don’t normally have the time to dive into. This is the time to not only catch up but to get ahead.

In addition to coming back to work refreshed professionally, use this time for self care and care for others. Let’s face it, we’re likely not going to be sitting at our dining room tables for eight hours every day. Use your spare time to offer assistance to those who may need it. Offer to grocery shop for someone who doesn’t feel comfortable leaving the house. Check in on loved ones. Call your grandparents. Go for a walk in the fresh air. Wash your hands.

The way we do business is going to look a little different on the other side of COVID-19, so make sure you’re ready to hit the ground running by using this “down time” productively.

Here are a few of my favorite examples of digital resources that are perfectly tailored for business learning and personal development while working remotely –

Department of Business & Professional Regulation Hosts 2020 Celebrating Women in Business

The Department of Business and Professional Regulation would like to personally invite the members of the Greater Tallahassee Chamber of Commerce to our 2020 Celebrating Women in Business Event on Friday, March 6, 2020 at the Florida State Turnbull Conference Center in Tallahassee.

Please join us for a morning of professional perspectives and career insights featuring dynamic women who are leading Florida businesses. As the mission of the Chamber is to be the catalyst for business and community growth by providing a positive return on investment, we feel that this event would be especially important to your members.

For more information and to register, please visit:

Member Profiles

Luke Thompson, Ajax Building Company

Where do you work and what is your role?
Ajax Building Company, Project Engineer

Tell us a little bit about yourself.
I attended Florida State University and graduated with a degree in Finance. Shortly after graduation I began an internship with Ajax, that, in turn became a full-time position as a Project Engineer.  The steep learning curve coming from a degree in finance to a field I knew little about is something I’m most thankful for. The challenges I faced and the training I received filled me with a great appreciation for those I work with as well as a confidence in myself that I could do anything I set my mind to.

Where are you from?
Titusville, FL. (where the Rockets go off)

How did you end up in Tallahassee?
Like many others I came to Tallahassee for school, I stayed for a couple of reasons, the primary reason being Tallahassee is a very tightly knit community that gives you a strong sense of purpose and belonging.

What do you like about Tallahassee?
There are a number of things I like about Tallahassee, on that list are the friendly people, beautiful parks, great restaurants, bars, and stores that Tallahassee attracts with their universities, and affordable living.

What’s on the top of your Tallahassee bucket list?
Right now, the top of my bucket list is visiting Tomahawks 51 and IL Lusso.

What’s the best part about Access? Why/how did you get involved?
I originally got involved through Ajax and have remained involved because of the friendships and connections I’ve made. It’s also a great way to stay up to date on current events with great presenters at the events.

Favorite Access event and why?
Business and Brews. A great way to unwind on a Thursday afternoon.

What else are you involved in?
In addition to being involved in the Chamber and volunteering during the TRC this year I have begun to get involved with The Leon Public School System. Helping to build up the children that will one day work, live and raise their children in Tallahassee is so integral to the continued growth and health of the city.

« Back to Member Profiles

Tally Job Hop Connects Students with Local Tech Companies

On February 19th, 20 students from Florida State University, Florida A&M Univeristy, and Tallahassee Community College participated in the Tally Job Hop Tech Edition. Students spent the better half of the day hopping to local tech companies who are actively seeking talent to fill a number of positions.

Through this experience, students are able to tour the office where they’ll be working, meet staff (not just the recruiter), and learn more about projects and corporate culture.

Companies who participated –

The 2020 Tally Job Hops are sponsored by Florida State University and Florida A&M University.

Access’ Elizabeth Emmanuel named one of the 25 Women You Need to Know

Congratulations to Elizabeth Emmanuel for being included in the 2020 class of the Tallahassee Democrat’s 25 Women You Need to Know!!

“On behalf of the Tallahassee Democrat and presenting sponsor, Moore, congratulations to the 2020 class of 25 Women You Need to Know and the 5 Young Women to Watch!

During the month of March, you will have the privilege of getting to know these outstanding women and incredible young women, who are ready to take on the world.

Now in its 14th year, the 25 Women program is the Tallahassee Democrat’s way of honoring women who lead from the front or from behind the scenes. This year the selection panel has again chosen a stellar group who represent the best of Tallahassee and the surrounding areas.”

Read the full article here.

Head, Neck and Thyroid Screenings

TMH has partnered with Tallahassee Ear, Nose & Throat to provide a free head, neck and thyroid screening to the public

To register, please visit

Tallahassee Alumnae Panhellenic Scholarship Luncheon – February 29th

The Tallahassee Alumnae Panhellenic is proud to host the 2020 Scholarship Luncheon. This is an event to recognize the 2020 Tallahassee Alumnae Panhellenic Scholarship winners. There will be a raffle and silent auction of generously donated and created items from local businesses, individuals & sorority alumnae groups. This will be a great opportunity to connect with Panhellenic women in the community.

We are excited to have Paula Kiger as our featured speaker. Paula Kiger believes her Twitter bio says it best: Wife of one, Mom of two, Friend of many. She spent almost 20 years as an administrator with the Florida Healthy Kids Corporation, and has made a career transition to become an editor of nonprofit newsletters at SmartBrief.

She earned her bachelor’s degree in Child Development and Human Development from Florida State in 1986, followed by a Master’s in Counseling and Human Systems from FSU in 1989.

Paula has been blogging at Big Green Pen since 2009 and enjoys social media immensely. She has been a Shot at Life Champion since 2014, advocating for children around the world to get access to immunizations.

Tickets are $40 per person until February 15 and $30 per FSU collegiate woman. After February 15, tickets are $45 per person. Register here:

Tallahassee AIDS Walk

This year’s walk will begin at 6:30pm on Thursday, March 5, 2020 at Railroad Square. To celebrate the 30th anniversary of this historic event, Tallahassee AIDS Walk will be getting a GLOW-UP. For this glow-in-the-dark themed event, participants are encouraged to wear glow-in-the-dark body paint, neon clothing, and lots of glow sticks- the more creative the better!

Individual community members, school and university groups, companies, and faith groups can register to walk as individuals or as part of a team. Walkers are also encouraged to become fundraisers. After a memorial walk around Railroad Square, we will gather at the Railroad Square Craft House to listen to speakers and music.
This event will be a celebration of all of those who have fought so hard to fight the spread of HIV/AIDS. All proceeds help Big Bend Cares, Neighborhood Medical Center, and Bond Community Health to provide direct-care services for their clients and HIV prevention and education for the entire Big Bend region.

CRI Promotes Ryan Keough

Carr, Riggs & Ingram CPAs and Advisors (CRI), a top 20 nationally ranked accounting and advisory firm offering innovative tax, audit, and business consulting services, would like to announce the promotion of Ryan Keough from Paraprofessional to Staff Accountant in CRI’s Tallahassee office. Ryan has been with CRI for two years and has worked in our Tax Department during his tenure. Congratulations, Ryan Keough!